It is not evident what Gandalf did to remove the protective spells on the troll-hoard on the way home, if they were indeed more than symbolic. At any rate, Gandalf's prediction that Bilbo 'may find you have more needs than you expect' had come true.
It is interesting to note that in the original 1937 Hobbit, when the dates given were still Gregorian, Bilbo returned home at the summer solstice, though it is not referred to as Midsummer's Day like in Elrond's house a year before, in 2941 T.A. This connexion was lost, of course, when Tolkien decided to accept all given dates as Shire Reckoning (S. R.), and 22 June became just a normal day like any other.
The moon, by the way, was waxing gibbous, but no one that day bothered to record it.
This is the final entry of the Hobbit timeline as established from canonical data and reasonable conjecture. The full timeline, synchronised with the lunar phases of 2017 and 2018 A. D., is available on this blog and on paper in the volume, "The Moon in 'The Hobbit' - Extended Edition".