Donnerstag, 27. April 2017

Thursday, 27 April: Bilbo Baggins departs from Bag-end

Balin on his pony. Illustration by Evelyne Drouhin, France, 1969
On this day, in 2941 T.A., Bilbo Baggins was scolded by an Istar named Gandalf for having overslept, rushed out of the door forgetting any handkerchief and just made it to the meeting-point with Thorin Oakenshield's Dwarves in Bywater at 11.00 o'clock.

The Dwarves, Gandalf and Bilbo set out at a very leisurely pace, spending a good month on a road that was usually ridden in half that time. Maybe they spent more days in the "Prancing Pony" than Bilbo was ready to admit in his memoirs.

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